We have very few rules and the ones we have are purely for the protection of the fish, the wildlife and consideration of other anglers.
All persons fishing must be in posssession of a current Environment Agency rod licence.
You need an Environment Agency rod licence for up to two rods, or two separate licences if you have three or four rods. This is the law of the land. Agency inspectors frequent Greenwoods Fishery and non-license holders have been prosecuted. Buy Rod License Online Now!
Day fishing is strictly between 7.30am, 1st April - 31st Sept and 7:30, 1st Oct - 31st March.
All nets must be dipped and rinsed in the disinfectant bins provided before fishing.
No keepnets unless by explicit arrangement with the bailiff e.g. for matches.
No barbed hooks, treble or multihook tackle permitted - barbless only.
No livebait, bloodworm, tiger nuts or jokers. No tinned pet food.
Groundbait and boilies only to be used in moderation.
Unhooking mats are compulsory.
All hooks and lines must be out of the water when not fishing.
Keep to the boundaries of the fishery and don’t climb on the banks.
No interfering with the wildlife, plants, trees and shrubs.
No lighting fires.
No firearms or weapons of any kind.
All radios and mobile phones must be inaudible to other anglers.
No making of unnecessary noise which could upset other anglers.
Do not leave litter or discarded fishing line or hooks on the pegs or banks. Please take home or use the bins provided.
Anyone found committing malicious damage on the site will be banned from the fishery.
Don’t remove any fish from the lake, anyone doing so will be prosecuted.
Always hold the fish low and carefully over a carp mat. It may struggle and end up getting dropped and injured.
No fishing in the demarcated rushy area next to the jetty between May and September.
The fish are spawning in the rushes at this time.
Download a PDF of the Rules here.
Please ensure you read, respect and obey the fishery rules as the management do not offer refunds.